John Cuddy is a periodic contributor to the Farming Irish Independent on Legal Matters that affect the farming community. As a solicitor, john regularly encounters familiar stories throughout the country where farmers have been unfairly treated by the state. As the time limits for appeals under many of the state run schemes are often very short, it is usually too late by the time a farmer may decide to seek legal advice.

It is therefore advisable when an issue arises to contact this office immediately and assess what steps to take prior to proceeding to seek an appeal.

We offer a full range of farming law services such as:

  • Voluntary transfers
  • Purchases and Sales
  • Registration of Property Rights
  • Rights of Way
  • Family Settlements
  • Direct Payment Schemes
  • European Regulation
  • Agricultural Appeals Office
  • Forming a Farming Company or Partnership
  • Farm Leases / Agistment / Conacre Agreements
  • Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs)
  • Health and Safety
  • Employment Law and the Farm
  • Planning and Environmental Law
  • Farm Insurance
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Department of Agriculture and EU Schemes

    • Basic Payment Scheme
    • Disadvantaged Area Scheme
    • Areas of Natural Constraint.

John has developed extensive knowledge and experience in the law relating to European designated sites such as Special Areas of Conservation, Special Areas of Protection and National Heritage Areas. This is a particularly complex area of European Regulation that affects over a million hectares of Irish countryside and yet very few land owners are familiar with the restrictions that the designation imposes on their lands. If you have any queries about European Designated Sites or you feel that there may be a breach of the Environmental Regulations please contact John.